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Facilities Overview: Cedar Ridge Middle School

Facility Overview: Cedar Ridge Middle School

Cedar Ridge Middle School Overview

Over the past two years, the district has reviewed and discussed school facility maintenance needs, education adequacy and student safety.

All aspects of the district’s facilities were analyzed, and educational spaces were rated based on their ability to support the district’s educational vision. The result is a Facility Plan developed in collaboration with school staff, parents and community leaders.

The district considered options for addressing the identified facility needs, including placing a bond measure before Oregon Trail voters.

Cedar Ridge Middle School received a significant renovation, providing upgrades and improvements to most of the site. However, there are some outstanding exterior envelope issues that were not able to be resolved previously, including some window replacement and exterior masonry maintenance/repair.

  • Cedar Ridge Middle School Facility Score

District-wide Facilities Overview

  • Improve accessibility to sites and buildings
  • Roofing and gutter replacement needed
  • Improve/replace exterior siding, windows
  • Upgrade/improve electrical service, panels
  • Replace aged plumbing fixtures
  • Replace interior finishes, particularly flooring
  • Improve site circulation, paving 
  • Upgrade low voltage wiring to WiFi devices